Closed/Finished Projects

Projects that were undertaken

Freedom centre Uganda has implemented various projects in line with the organization’s goal and mission including;

Promoting Humanism Among key Population Project

The Project is about building capacity of grass root LGBTI persons to strengthen their understanding of Humanism as an inclusive stance, promote critical thinking or scientic and evidence based information, the right to freedom of religion or belief and increase Humanist membership at Freedom Centre-Uganda. This will amplify LGBTI voices and agency to gain control of their lives and belief and motivate self-advocacy to ght long-life discrimination by the religious community due to their sexual orientation, gender identity and belief, and gain responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulllment that aspire to the greater good of humanity.

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Travel as Humanist Adventure Program

Explore Discover Empower

At freedom Centre-Uganda we arrange specialized Humanist responsible travel/safari program to a range of tourist destinations in Uganda. We believe that the success of the one should feed the commitment of the other and extend happiness to the misery human beings.

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Reason Foundation School (Child Education Project in Mbarara)

The project was funded by Children Rights and Violence Prevention Fund

Freedom Centre-Uganda values the role that secular education plays in shaping the destiny of individuals, instilling values and culture of inquiry, critical thinking and raising one’s self and also be useful to others. We also believe that the early discovery of oneself is the beginning of wisdom –wisdom for living and we complement academia with ethical-based teaching for all our children, whether living with us (in our Children’s Homes) or off site with guardians.

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